Ayurvedic Yoga

What is Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy?

Booking a one to one consultation will help to determine your predominant “Dosha” and any imbalances which you may currently have. This analysis helps determine a yoga practice to suit your Ayurvedic constitution, thus helping to reduce those imbalances.

Healing consists of a combination of asana, pranayama and meditation based upon Ayurvedic principles.

How many sessions would I need?

3 Sessions will be required initially.

Session 1

Consultation and questionnaire discussing health, diet and lifestyle

Session 2

Review findings from session 1 diagnosing Ayurvedic constitution look at ways to reduce imbalances

Session 3

Practical lesson covering healing techniques from an Ayurvedic perspective

Consultation Fees:

Initial 3 sessions are offered at a special introductory rate of £120.00 after which further sessions are £35.00.

class locations


In and around the Bournemouth area, where best suits you